A “Marty” Year in Pictures – At 88

Picture a normal day in the life of a typical 88-year-old man.. Whatever you're thinking, that's not how Marty Devlin operates. You'll likely find him chopping wood and stacking heavy logs, moving cement, cooking (widely known for his Christmas oyster stew), and golfing. He uses a chain saw and teaches...

A US Open for the Ages

As those who know me will attest, I've never been known to not have an opinion. I was recently asked about my take on the US Open women's final, and that got me philosophizing about the two teenage women who ran right through the draw, knocking out some big names...

The Bluebird of Happiness

     – So be like I, hold your head up high 'til you find the bluebird of happiness.A song can match a mood and it can create one.Let’s go back in a time machine….to the 1980s. Marty Devlin was driving around the country in his Prince van, putting on...

Flooded with Resilience

Those of you outside of New Jersey must have heard from friends, family, or the news about the widespread flooding Hurricane Ida brought to the Garden State in early September. Those of you in New Jersey? Well, you likely experienced Ida’s gifts first hand.If you know Marty, you likely have...

A Reading Recommendation from Marty

Marty loves stumbling on other writings that support the principles and beliefs that he is so passionate about. This passage, “17 Inches” is an example and it was written 25 years ago and is still relevant. “17 INCHES" – written by Chris Sperry, Baseball ConsultantYou will not regret reading this -...

Talking Tennis With Marty

If you're looking to talk tennis with Marty, a simple conversation on how to teach it, how to play it, and even his principles of life as they pertain to the game gets him fired up and anxious to share his views. You always come away learning something and marveling...

Marty Takes to the Air (book excerpt)

Trains, planes, and automobiles, and buses. Marty traveled a lot as baseball player and manager with the Dodgers’ organization and putting on tennis clinics and selling the ball machine for Prince. Here’s an excerpt from his upcoming book on an early adventure he had in the air. The Dodgers had...

Continuing Education – Philosophy

I don’t have many regrets, but I do have one that bugged me for a long time. I regret believing a professor who told me I wasn’t smart enough to take philosophy and then dropping out of his course. This happened when I went back to school after retiring from professional baseball. What...

A Big Deal

Look on Marty’s website (www.martydevlin.com) or listen to Marty at home or on the tennis court. What do you hear? A stream of "Martyisms" peppering his conversations and his teachings on the court. “You did a goofer!” “Cheese and crackers! “Have you been drinking?!” “You could run a pork chop...