If you read the last newsletter, you know that Marty’s been dealing with significant health challenges. In the past number of months there’s been COVID Pneumonia, a hospital stay, and the effort to work his way back to teaching. Through it all, Marty has been undeterred, despite a heart that...
Flooded with Resilience
Those of you outside of New Jersey must have heard from friends, family, or the news about the widespread flooding Hurricane Ida brought to the Garden State in early September. Those of you in New Jersey? Well, you likely experienced Ida’s gifts first hand.If you know Marty, you likely have...
Continuing Education – Philosophy
I don’t have many regrets, but I do have one that bugged me for a long time. I regret believing a professor who told me I wasn’t smart enough to take philosophy and then dropping out of his course. This happened when I went back to school after retiring from professional baseball. What...
A Big Deal
Look on Marty’s website (www.martydevlin.com) or listen to Marty at home or on the tennis court. What do you hear? A stream of "Martyisms" peppering his conversations and his teachings on the court. “You did a goofer!” “Cheese and crackers! “Have you been drinking?!” “You could run a pork chop...