Today is Marty’s 90th birthday! He’s still working through health issues but teaching tennis and golfing and still being his typical positive self. That’s the amazing Marty Devlin.
His goal of writing a memoir has come to fruition. No, it’s not ready for purchasing yet but we’re very close. There were delays. A photo permission issue, a cover revision, delays with the designer, you name it. But, today, on this milestone birthday, Marty has an actual preview copy of the book in his hands. What a journey it’s been to get to this point.
We apologize for the delays after promising the book sooner. But it’s really coming soon.
Happy Birthday, Marty, and many more!
Happy 90th Birthday Mr. Devlin! It was a pleasure working for you at Rider. Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!
Best wishes always,
Sharon O’Halloran Niedzwiecki ’74
Have a good one OLD buddy. You got me by 7 but I will get there. Our courts here in SC have been like the Swamp for months.
Hope to see you if we get to NJ to see Geoff. Maybe this summer. All the best. Dave
Hey Marty, Happy 90th you Ol’ Buddy! In all those days patrolling at Mount Snow I can say I never saw you without a big grin on your face. Keep it up. As my Sainted Nana used to tell me: “It’s like chicken soup, it can’t hoit.”. Look what it’s done for you! Looking forward to reading your book so please keep one available for me.
Hey Ol’ Buddy Happy Birthday! If you loosen those strings you will get more power. No, not that loose! The strings are moving too much. Marty’s response, “Yeah but I like it and don’t have to swing so hard…” So were the many conversations we had about equipment. Always looking for the wrinkle! HBD!
Happy birthday, Ol’ Buddy!
Happy 90th Marty. It is great to hear you are still going strong.
I will never forget our match at the Cryan when i was 15.
Looking forward to you book.
Happy 90 trips around the sun!! You are a bright light in this world and I admire your attitude for living the good life! You have taught tennis to my Mother, and my children and I even took a few lessons from you in my youth. I love your Marty “isms” (cheese & crackers!) They always give me a laugh. The games you taught my youngest (peek a boo) in order for him to hit the ball over the net at 4 years old was just amazing! Keep on living and here’s to a Happy Healthy 90th Birthday!
Beth Goeke Kerr & family
Marty: Yesterday I had dinner at my daughter Kristin’s house to celebrate my 25 year old grandchild”s birthday. Some how your name came up. We reminisced about the time I brought her to visit you in your van van parked outside Alumni Gym. A van complete with a wood burning fireplace!! Kristin remembered the occasion and said you mean “Cheese and crackers Mr. Devlin!”.
I also remembered the time I was visiting you in your office and a student came in and begged you for a part time job on campus. You said yes, I need someone to check ID cards at the Maurer Gym on weekends. instead of being glad he found a job, he said “you mean I have to walk all the way out to the gym? Your reply-“Get the fuck our of my office!”