Snow had fallen overnight, the temperature had dropped, but no snowstorm was going to stop Marty's “ladies” from showing up. All six cleaned their cars off, navigated the fresh snow, and were ready to go at 9 am. Marty was on the tennis court ready and waiting, even though it...
Keeping Pace with Marty
If you read the last newsletter, you know that Marty’s been dealing with significant health challenges. In the past number of months there’s been COVID Pneumonia, a hospital stay, and the effort to work his way back to teaching. Through it all, Marty has been undeterred, despite a heart that...
Living and Dying
It's been months since our last Newsletter, so this is an attempt to update friends and fans of Marty on what's been going on with him. There are health issues he's dealing with and learning how to manage. Marty always says that to manage something, you have to understand it....
Fond Memories of Willie Mays and Jerry West
Recently, two icons, “the Logo” and “the Say Hey Kid,” AKA Jerry West and Willie Mays, passed away. Their passing brought back memories of personal stories I had with each of them. The year was 1952. Athletes, as well as other male citizens, were drafted into the U.S. Army. It...
Listen to Marty on “The Life Lessons” Podcast…and Learn about His Bloody “Yard Sale”
Michael Einbinder-Schatz heard about this neighbor who’d been a tennis champion and had seen Marty Devlin’s tennis court from the street. Michael thought Marty would make for a great interview for his podcast “The Life Lesson Collective.” Click here to listen to their conversation and more about a man Michael...
Invitation to Visit With Marty
It's been almost a year since Marty's memoir, Ol' Buddy Marty, came out, and his life is still full of book-related activities. People, some of whom Marty knows and others he doesn't, continue to contact him either to catch up with an old friend or buy a book. You’ll be...
Breaking Down a Marty-ism
There are Yogi-isms and there are Marty-isms. Both can get you really thinking. There is one major difference. Yogi-sms are funny, clever self-contradictions that seem to not make sense. Yet, they sort-of do. Marty-isms are also clever and funny, but they make serious points that can help people navigate through...
Are You Desperate?
Hey, Good Buddies and Gals, The Holidays Are Coming…and this time of the year my chemicals get out of order, my emotional brain takes over, and I’m a hurtin’ puppy. If you’re panicking too about what to buy your friends and family for the holidays, There’s no time for pancake...
Update and Happy Thanksgiving from Ol’ Buddy Marty
Hey, Good Buddies and Gals, I’m checking in to let you know what I’ve been up to. I’m still doing what I love: teaching tennis, playing golf, reading, and doing book events and speaking to promote my book. In October I gave a motivational talk at Pretty Brook Tennis Club...
Radio Appearance
It's been five months since Marty's book came out. Although the initial crush subsided, he continues to get requests to purchase books, invitations for book signings, and offers for lunch meetings and speaking engagements. Add all this to his normal schedule of teaching tennis, playing golf, cooking, home maintenance, and,...