Hey, Good Buddies and Gals,
I’m checking in to let you know what I’ve been up to. I’m still doing what I love: teaching tennis, playing golf, reading, and doing book events and speaking to promote my book.
In October I gave a motivational talk at Pretty Brook Tennis Club in Princeton to some familiar and new faces. I spent a sunny Saturday at my old stomping grounds, Rider University, at their author event on Alumni Day. My daughter Tara made me a big old badge to wear on a lanyard. I greeted and talked to more people than I have water on my fanny—young, old, big, little.
Best of all, I got a chance to get reacquainted with some old buddies who worked for me some 50 years ago when I ran the intramural program at the school.
Every day I count my blessings for the simple pleasures of life, for my family, for friends, and I hope you do the same.
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to you all!